Are You At Risk?

Gloria Gaynor is just one of the 27 million Americans who suffer from osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis. When you combine osteoarthritis with the other types of arthritis (rheumatoid and psoriatic, for example), an estimated 91 million Americans have the disease. Here are some of the risk factors for developing arthritis, which is the #1 cause of disability in the United States.

Risk Factors You Can Control

  • Age: The older you become, the more likely you are to develop most types of arthritis.
  • Joint Injury or Infection: A major injury or infection to a joint increases the likelihood of arthritis developing there.
  • Family History: Researches believe that genetics plays a role in about one out of four cases of osteoarthritis, especially arthritis of the hands.

Risk Factors You CAN Control

  • Being Overweight: Carrying those extra pounds puts additional stress on your joints and can eventually cause cartilage damage.
  • Lack of Exercise: You muscles and joints become stiff and weak if you don’t get enough exercise.

Source: webMD, Arthritis Foundation