All The Ways We Care

The human heart is the engine of life. Taking good care of it is one of our top priorities at Main Street Hospital. Here’s a brief description of some of the many cardiac services and technologies we provide for your family and our community.

Cardiac Catheterization 

Cardiac catheterization is a medical procedure used to both diagnose and treat heart disease. A small hollow tube called a catheter is gently inserted into a vein or artery and threaded through the blood vessels to the heart. A special dye is then injected through the catheter. This dye allows physicians to check the blood flow and pressure in the chambers of the heart and locate narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels.

If heart disease is detected, cardiac catheterization can be used to correct the problem. For example, an angioplasty is an effective procedure for opening up a clogged artery. A small balloon is inserted into the artery and then inflated. A small wire tube called a stent is then placed in the artery to help keep it open.

Cardiac Rehab

After a heart attack, people who participate in a cardiac rehab program have a 50 percent greater survival rate after three years compared to people who don’t. Our team of cardiologists, nurses, dieticians and physical therapists can help you stop smoking, manage your blood pressure, create a heart-healthy diet, and develop an exercise program customized to your specific needs and goals.

Cardiac Stress Test

Sometimes called a treadmill or exercise test, a stress test is used to detect heart disease. After a technician places electrodes on your chest and arms, you’ll be asked to walk on a treadmill at a slow pace and then gradually increase your speed. During the test, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing are constantly monitored, and an EKG (see below) measures your heart waves.

Coronary Care Unit

Our coronary care unit provides 24/7 monitoring and treatment of patients with severe cardiac medical conditions, including heart attacks, angina and congestive heart failure.


An EKG (short for electrocardiogram and also called an ECG) checks the heart’s electrical activity and rhythm. An EKG is often used to find the cause of unexplained chest pain as well as other symptoms of heart disease, such as irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting.

Pulmonary Function Testing

Because certain lung diseases may occur with heart failure, your doctor may order a series of tests that measure how quickly air is moving in and out of your lungs.

Stress Echocardiography

High frequency sound waves (ultrasound) are used to examine the heart’s structure and function during this painless procedure.

Vascular Studies

This non-invasive procedure uses ultrasonic sound waves to assess the blood flow in the arteries and veins.

24-Hour Holter Set and Scan

This lightweight, portable device continuously records the heart’s rhythms for 24 hours as the patient goes about his regular daily activities.