All the Ways We Care (4pg)

All the ways we care

Good health is your family’s most precious possession. That’s why Main Street Hospital, together with our physician staff, offers a comprehensive range of services for both the detection and treatment of many medical conditions.

Heart Disease

DETECTION - EKG: Also known as an ECG or electrocardiogram, this painless and non-invasive test is used to detect heart defects, an irregular heartbeat, problems with the heart valves, and blocked or narrowed arteries in your heart.

Blood Pressure Check: A reading of more than 140/90 for either number is considered high and indicates an increased risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol Test: This blood test helps determine the risk of blocked or narrowed arteries. TREATMENT - Cardiac Catheterization: A long thin tube is inserted into the heart through one of the

large arteries in the body to diagnose or treat various cardiac problems.

Coronary Angioplasty: A tiny balloon is inserted into a clogged heart artery and then inflated to widen the artery. A small wire mesh tube called a stent may be placed in the artery to help it remain open.

Peripheral Angioplasty: This type of angioplasty is used to diagnose and treat hardening and narrowing of non-coronary arteries in the legs and other body parts.

Cancer DETECTION - Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer: This screening exam allows doctors to closely inspect

the entire colon for signs of cancer. A Flexible Sigmoidoscopy examines the lower part of the colon.

Mammogram for Breast Cancer: Today, mammograms are quicker and less painful. Talk to your personal physician about how often you should be screened.

Pap Test for Cervical Cancer: Recommended for all women, starting at age 21 or within three years of sexual activity, whichever comes first.

Digital Exam for Prostate Cancer: Men 40 and older should talk to their personal physician about a digital rectal exam as well as a PSA blood test.

TREATMENT - Main Street Hospital provides a full range of cancer-fighting treatments close to home, so your friends and family can provide the support and encouragement you need during this difficult time.


DETECTION - A simple blood test can determine if you have diabetes.TREATMENT - We offer nutritional education as well as diabetic support groups that encourage physical activity and wound care services for the treatment of foot ulcers.


DETECTION - With osteoporosis, the bones become weaker and more fragile. A bone density test is recommended at least once for all women ages 65 and older.

TREATMENT - Several medications are available, and hormone therapy is another option. Lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, are also helpful.