An Aspirin A Day

An Aspirin a Day (8-page version)

Recent studies have shown that taking an aspirin a day can lower the likelihood of breast cancer. More specifically, scientists believe taking aspirin reduces the types of cancer caused by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which account for 60 – 70 percent of breast cancer cases. Initial studies indicate that the risk for this type of breast cancer is reduced by as much as 26 percent by taking aspirin daily. Women who take at least seven aspirin a week as well as post-menopausal women benefited the most.

Another benefit in taking an aspirin is its proven ability to lower the risk of heart attack or stroke. Aspirin acts as a blood thinner and reduces the formation of clots. Before you begin taking aspirin daily, be aware that there can be serious side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, especially with long-term use. So be sure to consult your personal physician to make sure you qualify for a daily aspirin therapy and also to determine the right dosage for you. If you suffer from nose bleeds, for example, you may want to take only half an aspirin each day or a children’s aspirin.

Word count = 190 total words