Celebrating Senior Health and Fitness Day

Fit For Life Celebrating Senior Health And Fitness Day

Right now only one out of every three seniors engages in daily exercise even though it has been shown to help people live longer and feel better. If you’re not among them, why not take advantage of the 17th annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day to say “yes” to getting fit? Held each year on the last Wednesday in May, the event is the largest of its kind designed to promote a healthy lifstyle for seniors and encourage regular physical activity. This year more than 100,000 senior adults at over 1,000 locations across America are expected to participate.

Participating in a daily exercise program offers many benefits for seniors. Indeed, according to the Surgeon General, “older adults can obtain significant health benefits with a moderate amount of physical activity.” In addition to having stronger muscles and a healthier cardiovascular system, seniors who exercise are more energetic, feel happier and can even improve their memory and cognitive functions. Yet, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, only 32 % of America’s seniors have a daily exercise program.

Excuses abound. Some people are afraid of getting injured. Others simply find it easier not to do anything. Still others may have never exercised before and don’t know how to start, or they may mistakenly think that exercising is only for young people. The truth is that NOT exercising is one of the unhealthiest decisions a senior can make. Time To Get In The Game

If you’re not exercising regularly, it’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game. There are four basic types of exercises that can help you stay fit. Talk to your physician before beginning any form of exercise, and to determine the combination of exercises that are right for you.

Aerobic Exercise: This is any activity that increases your heart rate for an extended period: swimming, biking, jogging, even pushing a vacuum cleaner or raking leaves. Walking is probably the most popular form of aerobic exercise for seniors. It’s simple, easy and a good place to start.

Stretching Exercises: As you age, joints can become stiff. Stretching increases your range of motion and reduces the chance of injuries. Always warm up beforehand. Use a slow steady motion (no bouncing or jerking) and hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Relax, then repeat.

Strength-Building Exercises: Working out with light weights improves muscle tone and increases your metabolism, which burns more calories so you’re less likely to gain weight. At first, use only one or two pounds or even no weight at all. Do two sets of 8 to 15 repetitions, working slowly. Add weight as your strength increases.

Balance Exercises: These exercises will decrease your risk of falling and suffering a severe injury, such as a broken hip.Words: 463