Exercise Tips for Seniors…And Everyone Else

Exercise Tips For Seniors... And Everyone Else
Ready to get serious about exercising? That’s great! Here are some tips to help you get started.

Get A Checkup: Before starting any new exercise program, talk to your personal physician, especially if you are 50+.

Find An Activity You Like: If you enjoy exercising, you’re much more likely to stick with it.

Start Slowly: Don’t burn yourself out by doing too much too fast. You’ll end up sore, exhausted and unmotivated. Start slowly and build up your fitness level. The key is perseverance.

Find A Buddy: Exercising with a friend, especially if you’re a social person, may help to keep you motivated and accountable.

Make A Schedule: To stay on course, plan when and how much exercise you’ll have each day.

Wear The Right Shoes: Properly fitting shoes can make all the difference.

Tell Your Family and Friends: Their encouragement may help keep you motivated.

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