Facing Chemo? There’s No Place Like Home

Facing Chemo? There’s No Place Like Home

You’ve just been diagnosed with cancer. Your physician has recommended chemotherapy, an often long and difficult process. After you recover from the initial shock of the news, an important decision must be made. Who will you turn to for help?

Many people mistakenly believe that only a big-city hospital can provide the chemotherapy services they need. Fortunately, Name of Hospital provides a full range of cancer-fighting treatments as well the opportunity to:

Take Care of Yourself: Staying in a faraway city or traveling back and forth for cancer treatments is stressful. And stress is the last thing your body needs at this time.

Take Care of Your Family: Out-of-town chemotherapy is also time-consuming for your family. Travel and lodging can be expensive.

Nurture Your Heart: Now is the time you need the support of friends and family. By staying close to home at Name of Hospital for your chemotherapy, you’ll surround yourself with love and encouragement instead of feeling isolated and alone.