Joint Replacement Surgery

Going Bionic
Joint Replacement Surgery Helps Millions Overcome Pain, Regain Mobility

Remember the 1970s TV show The Six Million Dollar Man? Steve Austin, an astronaut who’s almost killed in an accident, has his body literally rebuilt using technology. He was the first bionic man.

Today, “going  bionic” is a commonplace event for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have joint replacement surgery every year. That’s because over time, joints can wear out, or be severely damaged by arthritis, causing pain, swelling and lack of mobility. Now, with the highly advanced joint replacements available today, there’s new hope for old knees, hips and shoulders.

Who can benefit from a joint replacement?  

Joint replacement is now a common medical procedure available at most hospitals. Last year, over 400,000 Americans had a hip or knee replacement. If you have difficulty walking or find it painful to carry out such daily activities as climbing steps or taking a bath, you may want to consider having a joint replacement. A fractured hip is another reason to have this type of surgery. American seniors suffer some 300,000 hip fractures every year.

Your first step is to talk to your primary care physician and schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon in order to determine the severity of damage to the injured joint.

Joint replacement surgery for a knee or hip usually takes less than two hours. The surgeon uses either a local or general anesthesia, so you won’t feel any pain during the operation. Physical therapy usually begins at the hospital and continues on an outpatient basis after you go home. Most patients are able to return home within three to five days. You may have some temporary pain in the new joint and have to use a walker or crutches to walk. But over time, your new prosthetic hip or knee should function smoothly. The overwhelming majority of people enjoy greater mobility and live more active lives within a few weeks after their joint replacement surgery.


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