Stroke Risk Assessment

Stroke Risk Assessment

Someone in this nation suffers a stroke every 45 seconds. In addition to causing permanent and long-term disability, stroke is also the third leading cause of death in the United States. With May being American Stroke Month, now is the time to educate yourself and your loved ones about the risks and symptoms of this serious medical condition.

A stroke occurs when a vessel that supplies blood to the brain becomes clogged or bursts. So how do you determine your risk for having a stroke? Some risks you can’t control, including age (being older than 55), gender (men are more at risk), race and family history.

Reduce Your Risk Fortunately, there are a number of controllable risk factors. Indeed, it’s estimated that 80 percent of strokes can be prevented by making lifestyle changes. High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke, and the month of May, being Blood Pressure Awareness Month, is a good time to have your blood pressure checked.

Other steps you can take include lowering your cholesterol and maintaining a healthy weight by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet that’s low in salt, high in calcium and contains plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you smoke, stop. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. If you are a diabetic, keeping that disease under control will lower your risk for stroke.

Act F.A.S.T. Time is life when it comes to treating a stroke victim. The first three hours after symptoms appear are critical. If you think someone is having a stroke, you need to make a quick check of their face, arms and speech. Just remember to act F.A.S.T.

Face: A stroke usually affects only one side of the body. Ask the person to smile. Is the smile uneven or only on one side of the face?

Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

Speech: Ask the person to speak a simple sentence. Are the words slurred?

Time: If the answer to any of the above questions is “YES,” it’s time to take action and call 911.

If you or someone you are with experiences any of these symptoms, make sure to seek immediate medical care since timeliness of care may impact life or limb.
