Super Fit At Any Age

Super Fit At Any Age

Are you a senior looking for some inspiration to start an exercise program? Then consider these fitness fanatics who are living life to the fullest and not letting their age get in the way. These senior adults are living proof that it’s never too late to set your fitness goals and get the most out of life.

Take George Blair, for example. Born in Toledo, Ohio in 1915, George didn’t take up water skiing until he was 40 years old. He first learned to ski barefoot at age 46. When he was 75, George decided to take up snowboarding. At age 90, he became world famous as the oldest person in the world to barefoot water ski. Known as Banana George (his favorite color is yellow), Blair has skied barefoot on seven continents and has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. His trademark trick is barefoot skiing while holding the rope in his mouth.

Here are some other super fit seniors who can inspire you:

Burt Carlson from Minnesota has competed in more than 300 marathons in all 50 states and nine countries. And at 83 years old, he’s still going strong!

A 76-year-old man climbed Mount Everest in 2007 and a 100-year-old man recently climbed Mount Fuji (12,388 feet) in Japan.

At age 98, Dimitrion Yordanidis is the oldest person to complete a marathon, running the 26 miles in just over 7 1⁄2 hours.

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