The Benefits of Occupational Therapy

Living The Best Possible Life

Occupational Therapy Delivers Life-Changing Benefits

When you hear the term “occupational therapy,” what do you think? Many people assume that this medical specialty teaches people the skills they need to go back to work after an accident or illness. That is one of the benefits of occupational therapy, but there are so many more.

Occupational therapy is all about helping people improve the quality of their lives and maintain their independence. It’s about helping people overcome obstacles that may be stopping or limiting their participation in the activities of everyday living.

With occupational therapy, someone who has suffered a heart attack or stroke can redevelop fine motor skills in order to walk, speak or write. They can learn to do small tasks such as tying their shoes or using a spoon, knife and fork. People who have a permanent disability, such as a paralyzing spinal cord injury or cerebral palsy, can benefit from instruction in the use of a wheelchair or becoming more efficient with braces, crutches or other aids that help correct their posture. People with a specific medical condition, such as Carpel Tunnel syndrome, which causes pain and weakness in the arms and wrist, can learn to manage the disease and return to work.

Education plays a key role in any occupational therapy. Patients learn the correct techniques and become more knowledgeable in how to manage their medical condition. Changes in diet or a customized exercise program give patients the tools to reduce the symptoms and increase their mobility.

Occupational therapists also work with children who have an illness, injury or may be slow in developing certain motor skills. They work to improve poor handwriting, eye/hand coordination and body posture. As a result, these children become more active in school and sports activities, which increases both the child’s self-esteem and independence.

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