The Quick 6 (4pg)

Article #2—The Quick 6

Good Health Starts With Knowing These Six Key Numbers

With so much information available, it’s often hard to remember what’s important. So, here’s a simple way to check your health: Know these six key numbers! It will help determine your risk for developing heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.

1) Your Height Check Once A Year Over Age 50  As you grow older, you become shorter. Part of this is due to gravity, but reduced height can also be a sign of osteoporosis and other diseases. Your height also needs to be considered in relation to the next health factor, your weight.

2) Your Weight Check Once A Year or More Often if Overweight Being overweight is one of the key risk factors for a number of health problems. Losing as little as five or 10 percent of your body weight can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes.

3) Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Check Once A Year Your BMI measures the relation between your height and your weight. It’s also a good way to measure your percentage of body fat. A healthy BMI is considered between 18.5 and 24.9.

4) Your Blood Pressure Check Once A Year or More Often if High Your blood pressure is the measure of the force of the blood against the walls of the arteries. Anything over 140/90 is considered high blood pressure, increasing your risk for heart attack, stroke and kidney or eye damage.

5) Your Blood Sugar Level Check Once A Year or More Often if High This test measures the amount of glucose, which your body uses for energy, in your blood. High levels of glucose can lead to diabetes.

6) Your Cholesterol Level Check Every Five Years or More Often if High Cholesterol is a type of fat that can build up in your blood and cause your arteries to narrow. This narrowing is the starting point for most heart and circulation problems.

Several of these numbers require testing and a visit to your personal physician. That’s why healthcare experts recommend a comprehensive physical exam with your personal physician at least once a year.


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