Why People Don’t See A Provider (And Why They Should)

If you think you’re too busy to see your doctor, be sure to read Norah O’Donnell story on page 2. She was too busy to see her dermatologist for an annual skin checkup. When she finally did, she was diagnosed with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. If she had waited a few more months, the outcome might have been tragically different.

If any of the following excuses for not seeing a doctor sound familiar, consider the consequences.

“I don’t have time.”

We’re all busy. Family and work are usually our top priorities. As a result, many people choose to believe they don’t have time to see a doctor. But think about it. If you continue not seeing doctor, a minor health issue could turn into a serious medical condition. And then there won’t be time for all the things that really matter to you—your family, your children, your social life and career. It will all have to put on hold. And it could have been prevented if you took an hour to see your doctor.

“I’m embarrassed.”

Certain elements of a doctor’s visit can be embarrassing. Many people are uncomfortable being asked direct questions about their bowel habits or sexual activity. Needing to disrobe for a physical exam can make others feel vulnerable. If you do feel embarrassed about seeing a doctor, it may be helpful for a friend or family member to be with you and provide support during your appointment.  

“I’m afraid.”

Some people have specific fears associated with seeing a doctor or visiting a hospital—fear of needles, for example. For others, the experience produces anxiety. Sometimes, a person may be reluctant to seek medical care because they are afraid a routine test or screening will reveal a horrible disease. Fortunately, that rarely happens. So remember this. If something wrong is found, it’s almost always a chronic condition, such as hypertension or diabetes, that can now be effectively treated because you took the time to see your doctor.

“I don’t have a doctor.”

If you don’t have a doctor, My Hometown Hospital is here to help. Please visit our website at _______ and click on _____ to see a list of our primary care physicians. Or call _____ for our physician referral service.

Source: VeryWellHealth