Women’s Heart Day

–– Women’s Heart Day –– Go Red On February 5!

What’s the #1 killer of American women? The answer, surprising to many, is heart disease. If you think the answer is cancer or some other medical condition, you’re not alone. In a study conducted by the American Heart Association of 1,000 women, only 13 percent knew that coronary heart disease is the greatest health threat for women.

You can help change this misperception. The first Friday in February has been designated as “Go Red For Women Day” to raise awareness about the risk of heart disease and stroke in women. By wearing your favorite red outfit on February 5, you’ll be showing your support for this national movement to educate women about their risk of heart disease.

Here’s another step you can take. Go to www.GoRedForWomen.org and take the Go Red Heart Checkup to determine your risk level. It only takes a few minutes. You’ll receive a customized Personal Action Plan for making changes in your diet and lifestyle so you can live “Heart Smart.” And who knows? It just might save your life.

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