Your Back-To-School Medical Checklist

Your Back-To-School Medical Checklist

The start of school is one of the busiest times of the year for parents. Here are some action steps you can take to make sure your children are ready for a healthy school year.

Immunizations: Many school systems will not allow a child to enroll unless his or her immunizations are up to date. Check with your pediatrician and schedule an appointment if necessary. (See the article above for more information about the benefits of having an annual physical exam for your child.)

Don’t Forget The Eyes: A child’s eyesight can change quickly, and poor eyesight usually translates into lower grades. Right before school starts is a good time to have your child’s eyes tested.

Address Any Special Health Concerns: If your child has a special medical condition such as asthma, or is taking a medication, be sure to communicate this information to the school.

Start Going To Bed Earlier: Suddenly switching to a much earlier wakeup time at the start of the school year can be a difficult transition for children. Make it easier by moving back your child’s bedtime 10 – 15 minutes each night during the week before school begins.

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