Your Quick Summer Guide to Fun in the Sun

May is Skin Cancer and Detection Month. With summer just around the corner, here are five quick tips on how to protect your family from the damaging rays of the sun.

  1. Use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15
  2. For best results, apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside.
  3. Reapply sunscreen after swimming or sweating.
  4. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and UV-resistant clothing.
  5. Stay away from tanning beds and lamps.

Why Sunburn Is Serious
According to the National Cancer Institute, almost 30 percent of adults do not protect themselves from the sun and get sunburned each year. Too much sun exposure not only ages the skin prematurely, it also increases the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Fortunately, when melanoma is detected early, the five-year survival rate is 99 percent. Ask your primary care provider to include a skin exam as part of your yearly health check-up, and once a month, use the ABCDE Rule to check your skin and moles for melanoma.

  • Asymmetry: One half of the mole has a different shape than the other half.
  • Border: Edges are uneven, ragged and notched.
  • Color: The color is not the same all over.
  • Diameter: The spot is larger than a 1/4 inch (size of a pencil eraser).
  • Evolving: The mole is changing is size, shape and color.=

Sources: webMD, Banner Health, National Cancer Institute